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Red Laser, DPSS red laser system and red laser module
Red Laser
CrystaLaser, designs and manufactures state of the art ultra-compact red laser systems. Our red laser features with
high stability, high efficiency, high reliability, low noise and excellent laser
beam quality. These red lasers are specifically designed for OEM,
scientific and industrial use.
Current available red laser products including CW red laser and Q-switched red laser products.
New red laser products:
- 633 nm single longitudinal mode red laser available up to 50 mW is suitable for red He-Ne laser replacement
- Red laser 638 nm and 642 nm single longitudinal mode laser available up to 70 mW
- 300mW, 640 nm TEMoo mode red laser available
- Red laser with fast TTL modulation up to 200 MHz option is available for the wavelength range from red 635 nm up to near infrared 1550 nm
- High power red crystal lasers with diffraction limited single mode beam output are available now. The red laser output power is up to 350 mW at 671 nm and 300 mW at 656 nm and 660 nm
- Long coherence length single longitudinal mode red crystal lasers with output power up to 50 mW at 633nm and 640nm, 250 mW at 671 nm, 100 mW at 660 nm and 780.2nm are available. The single longitudinal mode red lasers feature narrow linewidth, wavelength stable, and with long coherence length of >300 meters. The lasers are suitable for holography, interferometer, for magnet-optical trapping of lithium atoms and Raman spectrum applications
- Diode-pumped Q-switched red crystal lasers are available at 656nm, 660 nm and 671 nm.
Wavelengths of the red lasers and near infrared lasers: 633 nm, 638 nm, 642 nm, 647 nm, 655 nm, 656.5 nm, 660 nm, 671 nm, 690 nm, 780 nm, 785 nm, 808 nm, 852 nm, 980 nm, 1310 nm, 1550 nm and more.
The red laser is easy to use, plug and play, no cooling fan, no cooling water required, no noise and no vibration during laser operation
The red lasers are based on our proprietary laser design technology. This laser
technology allows our red lasers to operate in TEMoo mode with long coherence length and extremely low power consumption in a compact laser housing.
If you need special requirements or configurations of the red laser, please contact CrystaLaser.
Download the specifications
- Compact red laser 633 nm, 635 nm, 638 nm, 642 nm, 647 nm, 655 nm, and 660 nm
- Compact red laser 690 nm, 780 nm, 785 nm
- Compact infra-red laser 808 nm, 830 nm, 852 nm, 910 nm, 940 nm and 980 nm
- Compact infra-red laser 1550 nm
- DPSS red laser 656.5 nm, 660 nm and 671 nm
- Q-switched red laser 656.5 nm, 660 nm and 671 nm. Q-switched red laser FAQ.pdf
Compact Red Laser
Specifications The single longitudinal mode red lasers provide >5 meters (option >50-100 meters) coherence length
Wavelength(+/-4 nm)
Maximum output
SLM laser output
Transverse mode
Beam diameter (1/e2)
Beam divergence
Output stability, rms
Noise (rms)
Beam point stability
Longitudinal mode
SLM version
Spectrum linewidth
Operating temperature
Operating voltage
Warm-up time
Power consumption
Size of laser head
Size of power supply
633-647 660 690-750      785      808-860      905-1680
150mW 250mW 50mW 400mW 500mW 300mW-2W
70mW 50mW  50mW 300mW 350mW 1000mW
TEMoo, M2<1.3
1.2 mm
1 mrad
<1 % over 24 hours
<0.5 %, 10 Hz - 20 MHz
+/-0.005 mrad/K
Linear; Polarization ratio >100:1
Several longitudinal modes
Single longitudinal mode with >5m (option >100m) coherence length
SLM laser: <0.001 nm, or <0.01 cm-1; other laser: 1 nm norminal
10 to 35 degree C
90-250 VAC or 12 VDC
30 seconds
5 W
3 x 3.6 x 12 cm type 4 or type 1
AC: 5x14x15 cm (2x5x6 inch) DC: built in laser head
Intermediate power available from 1 mW to the maximum output power with lower cost
Beam divergence 0.4 mrad and beam size 2.5 mm is available on request
New DC version laser has a built-in power supply inside the laser head which keeps the same dimensions of 3 x 3 x 12 cm
DPSS Red Laser
Specifications The single longitudinal mode red lasers provide >300 meters coherence length
Output power, mW
SLM laser output
Transverse mode
Beam diameter (1/e2)
Beam divergence
Output stability, rms
Beam point stability
Longitudinal mode
SLM version
Spectrum linewidth
Amplitude noise, rms
Operating temperature
Operating voltage
Warm-up time
Power consumption
Size of laser head
Size of power supply
Expected life time
656.5 nm         660 nm           671 nm
250, 200, 100, 50, 35, 25, 10
25 mW                   50 mW               250 mW
TEMoo, M2<1.1
0.35 mm
3 mrad
<2% over 8 hrs; Ultra-stable option: <0.25% over 24 hrs
+/-0.005 mrad/K
Linear; Polarization ratio > 50:1; or >100:1 option
Several longitudinal modes with coherence length 1 - 5 mm
Single longitudinal mode with > 300 meters coherence length
0.1 nm, nominal; SLM version: < 10-5 nm
<1%, 1Hz-10kHz; SLM version: <0.5%, 1Hz-20MHz
10 to 35 degree C
90-250 VAC or 9-20 VDC
2 minutes
15 W
3 x 3 x 12 cm with a fixed 6 mm thick base plate
or 3.6x7x18.5 cm (HxLxW) for 200 mW lasers
AC: 5x14x15 cm (2x5x6 inch) DC: 3.5x8.5x12.7 cm
> 10,000 hours
Mechanical dimensions of the red laser head (<110 mW) and laser power supply are the same as the dimensions of CW 532 nm green laser