Ultra-compact High reliability High stability High efficiency
- CrystaLaser, designs and manufactures state of the art ultra-compact diode-pumped Nd:YAG, Nd:YVO4 and Nd:YLF crystal lasers. Our infrared laser features with
high stability, high efficiency, high reliability, low noise and excellent laser
beam quality. These infrared lasers are specifically designed for laser trapping, laser tweezers, interferometer and OEM instrumentation, scientific research and industrial use.
- Current available infrared laser products including ultra-compact diode-pumped CW Infrared laser and compact Q-switched Infrared laser systems.
- New laser products:
- Ultra-stable CW Infrared lasers, output stability 0.5% over 24 hours, are available now.
- High power long coherence length, single longitudinal mode (SLM), TEMoo mode, narrow linewidth infrared laser systems at 1064 nm, 1053 nm, 1047 nm and other wavelengths available for injection seeding application.
- Compact Q-switched infrared laser up to 2 W is available now.
- Ultra-compact CW infrared laser up to 3 W is available as standard product.
- Tunable infrared laser Q-switched Ti:Sapphire laser and CW Cr:LiSaF, Cr:LiCAF laser wavelength tunable from 780 to 980 nm
- Many infrared laser wavelengths are available
785, 808, 852, 980, 946, 1030, 1047, 1053, 1064, 1080, 1084, 1112, 1122, 1313, 1319, 1338, 1342, 1357, 1444, 1555 nm
- The infrared lasers are easy to use, plug and play, no cooling fan, no cooling water required, no noise and no vibration during laser operation
- The diode-pumped infrared lasers are based on our
proprietary laser cavity technology. This laser
technology allows our infrared lasers
to operate in single longitudinal mode, TEMoo mode with low amplitude noise and extremely low power consumption in a compact laser housing.
- For your special requirement or higher output power requirement of the infrared laser, please contact CrystaLaser directly.
- Please download the specifications
CW Infrared Laser
Specifications (click the wavelength to download the specifications)
Wavelength, nm
Max TEMoo output
Max SLM output option
Available output option
Transverse mode
Beam diameter (1/e2)
Beam divergence
Output stability, rms
Beam point stability
Polarization plane
Polarization ratio
Amplitude noise, rms
Wavefront distortion
Longitudinal mode
SLM version
Spectrum linewidth
SLM version
Operating temperature
Operating voltage
Warm-up time
Power consumption
Size of laser head
Size of power supply
Expected life time
1064 1053/1047 1122/1342 1313/1319/946 1030
4 W 3 W 1.5 W 1 W 200 mW
1 W 500 mW 500 mW 200 mW 100 mW
4W, 3W, 2W, 1.5W, 1W, 700, 500, 300, 100, to <20 mW
TEMoo, M2<1.1
0.45 mm; 2x-9x beam expander option available
3.6 mrad; Option: a 4x beam expander reduced to <1 mrad
<1% over 2 hrs; Ultra-stable option: <0.25% over 24 hrs
+/-0.005 mrad/°C
1064,1047,1342 nm horizontal; 1053,1122,1313,1319,946 nm vertical
< 1%, 10Hz - 1MHz
< l/10
Several longitudinal modes with coherence length 1 - 5 mm
Single longitudinal mode with >300 meters coherence length
0.3 nm, nominal; 0.1nm / 0.05nm narrow linewidth option
< 10-5 nm
10 to 35 °C
90-250 VAC or 9-24 VDC
1 minute
18 W, typical
3 x 3 x 12 cm with a fixed 6 mm thick base plate, or
3.6x5x18 cm / 3.6x7x20 cm (HxWxL) for high output lasers
AC: 5x14x15 cm (2x5x6 inch) DC: 3.5x8.5x12.7 cm
> 10,000 hours
Mechanical dimensions of the small infrared laser head (3x3x12 cm) and laser power supply are the same as the dimensions of CW 532 nm green laser
For more information, please access the online
information request form
download catalog or visit main web page